Blunt or broken tips falsify measurement results like surface roughness or structures dimensions dramatically! To ensure correct results, used tips must be thrown away or checked by SEM regularly, both methods being extremely uneconomic or time consuming.
The solution:TheTipCheckis an SPM sample for fast and convenient determination of the AFM tip condition. Itoffers a fast and easy way to compare and categorize different AFM probes with respect to tip apex shape and sharpness.
Check whether your tip is still good, starts showing wear or already blunted without the need of scanning an entire image or doing an SEM inspection!
Additionally, this sample works perfectly with Auto Tip Qualification and Tip Characterization software that is available on the market.
The three figures show a comparison between different probe tips used to image the TipCheck sample.
The TipCheck sample consists of an extremely wear-resistant thin film coating that is deposited on a silicon chip. This thin film coating shows a granular, sharply peaked nanostructure which makes it ideal for reversely imaging an AFM probe’s tip apex.
The die size of the TipCheck is 5x5mm. It is available either mounted onto a 12mm metal disc or unmounted (TipCheck-UM).
如果有必要,我们是提供所有主要 AFM 探针品牌的唯一来源。除了 AFM 尖端和悬臂,NanoAndMore 还提供不同种类的扫描探针显微镜和纳米技术相关设备。
NANOSENSORS™ - 1990 年,NANOSENSORS™ 是第一家商业化制造AFM 探针的公司。NANOSENSORS™ 仍然是全球技术领先者,提供最一致的AFM 探针质量,从而确保为其客户提供最可重复的测量结果。
NANOSENSORS™ 提供最广泛的高质量标准和专业AFM 探针,以及用于扫描探针显微镜的校准标准和对准芯片。
NanoWorld™ - 总部位于瑞士的 NanoWorld AG 是硅和氮化硅AFM 探针和各种纳米科学和纳米技术应用校准标准的领先制造商。
NanoWorld AG 广泛的高质量AFM 探针被材料研究、生物学、化学、生命科学和许多其他学科领域的研究人员使用。
BudgetSensors® - BudgetSensors 为原子力显微镜 (AFM) 社区提供价格合理的高质量AFM 探针。
MikroMasch®是一家知名的廉价AFM 探针、测试光栅和 HOPG制造商。他们的 AFM 探针标准系列是HQ:Line(高质量系列)。
MikroMasch® 专业产品包括用于高分辨率成像的 1nm 碳尖峰尖端( Hi'ResC 系列)。
OPUS™是MikroMasch®的独立AFM 探针系列,具有特殊的尖端形状。OPUS™ AFM 吸头正好位于悬臂的末端,这样可以将吸头顶点精确定位在样品表面的感兴趣区域上。